Nea Wiseman


Nea Wiseman


March 2018

My new book Cyrus, A Tree Keepers Journey

My first offering to you is the story of Cyrus with some of the many images that came to me when his reality as a great and ancient Oak was interrupted by death and the unexpected and timeless journey that lead him to a rebirth.

“…At dawn the frightened animals and birds cautiously returned to nestle and perch around him.  Although he was invisible to most human eyes, he was a vibrant light to the creatures of the forest.  For generations, his tree had sheltered their families so it was with sorrow and respect that they brought him gifts of mosses, leaves and berries.  A squirrel, robbing its own stores, dropped an acorn nestled in a bird’s nest onto his snowy beard, just where he could see it.”

Dear Reader,      The story of Cyrus is for all ages, especially those leaving one stage of life and entering another. These stages of growth happen many times in life, and each time it can feel painful and confusing. My own inner child, whose presence I fully acknowledge, has its hand forever held by a wise old misty-eyed teller of stories, of fairy tales, of myths. The receptivity to these tales, the deep work and awareness to understand them, has helped me leave behind so much of what is no longer needed and to find what has helped me enter a new phase of being in the physical world and will ultimately reveal the path to leave it in death.


A Tree Keepers Journey

With the written text, there are 45 full color Illustrations and 11 black and white illustrations

If you wish to purchase a copy of Cyrus, A Tree Keepers Journey go here.

A Tree Keepers Journey

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